Covid-19 Safety Plan
Middle Village Acupuncture operates on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
The health and safety of all patients are crucial. A set of policies and procedures based on the CDC and WHO have been created to keep the practice space clean and everyone healthy and safe.
Patient Safety Measures
Patients will be contacted the day before their appointment to check for symptoms and other risk factors such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, or any other symptom on the CDC symptom list for COVID-19
Patients must be free of any upper respiratory symptoms for two weeks and will be asked to reschedule if they exhibit any cold, flu, or virus like symptoms until it is resolved
Patients must wear a mask throughout the appointment, except when face down on the treatment table
Upon arrival, the temperature will be taken with a no-contact thermometer
Patients must wash their hands with soap and water upon arrival and after treatment. A sink and disposable paper towels will be available
All patients must fill out a screening form during their appointment
Patients may not bring another person to their appointment unless an aid or translation is needed. Anyone accompanying a patient must wait outside or in the car
Patients must keep at least 6 feet distance from other patients and the practitioner, except during the treatment
Patients are asked to bring loose comfortable clothes or shorts. Individual mylar blankets will be available
Practitioner Safety Measures
A mask will be worn at all times
Dress code has switched to scrubs, which will be washed daily
Hands will be washed before and after each treatment
Hands will be sanitized before and after needling. Gloves will be used during the treatment if requested
Practice Space Safety Measures
Each patient will have an individually scheduled time
All surfaces at the entrance, treatment room, hand washing area, and bathroom will be wiped down after each patient, including doorknobs, face cradle, alcohol/cotton ball container lids, light switch, heat lamp, chairs, faucet handle, toilet handle, etc
Sheets, pillowcase covers, face cradle covers, etc. will be washed daily in hot water
Please contact Middle Village Acupuncture if you have questions or would like more details. We hope to see you soon!